Moncaup —


Moncaup is a small village in the south-west of France. The village is located in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region. The village of Moncaup belongs to the district of Pau and the canton of Lembeye. The zip code of the village of Moncaup is the 64350, and its Insee code is 64390.

The average height of Moncaup is 280 meters. The area is 11.35 km2. The width is 43,489 degrees North and longitude of 0.071 degrees West. Cities and towns near Moncaup are: Monpezat (64350) to 1.70 km, Corbère-Abères (64350) to 1.79 km, Bétracq (64350) to 3.03 km, Lasserre (64350) to 3.06 km, Bassillon-Vauzé (64350) 3.56 km.

The population of Moncaup was 142 at the 1999 census, 154 in 2006, 155 in 2007 and 158 in 2009. The population density of the village is 13.92 inhabitants per km2. The number of homes in the municipality is estimated at 110 in 2007. These homes consist of 67 homes, 27 second homes or occasionally as 16 vacant homes.


Moncaup —

The picturesque Moncaup houses an exceptional historical hydraulic heritage.
Go for a nice walk and discover the 12 natural springs, ancient fountains and washing places. And in the meantime enjoy the numerous vineyards, forests, fields and the beautiful view of the high mountains on the horizon.